Matthew 25:35-40
Retired US Army Colonel with over 33 years of faithful service to our great Nation. Earning his bachelors, masters, and juris doctor degrees from the University of Notre Dame, the US Naval War College, and Temple University School of Law, DJ’s leadership resume also includes key command and staff positions in special forces / special operations, military intelligence, infantry, airborne, air assault, Joint/Interagency, and Multi-National organizations. His combat and contingency deployments included tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, North Africa, Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti and Korea.
Post military retirement, DJ helped establish in Tampa FL the Volunteer Veteran Mentor Corps that directly supports the In nationally acclaimed Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) in 2013. The VTC assists veterans in trouble with the law due to a disorder or condition incurred during military service. DJ is a national veteran advocate who has briefed in the White House and on Capitol Hill, who assisted in the passage of HR886 – the VTC Coordination Act of 2019 (national funding for all VTCs), and HR3967/S3373 PACT Act (Toxic Exposures/Burn Pits). He sits on various national, US Congressional, and State advisory boards.
DJ supports the Heart Dance Foundation and is an advocate in combatting human trafficking in the Tampa Bay region. From 2020-2023, he served as a Tampa Mayoral appointed member (and Vice-Chair) on Tampa’s Citizens Review Board which oversees Tampa Police and community interaction and issues.
Finally, DJ and his wife Julie are community advocates on various social issues and are active members with various military bases and organizations (MacDill AFB, VFW, American Legion, Marine Corps League, local National Guard and Reserve units), and interact with local business, civic and non-profit organizations (ie, Tampa Business Chamber of Commerce, Hiring Our Heroes Foundation, United Way’s Mission United, etc).
In 2024, the CEO, Volunteer Florida - officially recognized as the Florida Commission on Community Service - bestowed the “Champion of Service Award” (established in 2013) to DJ for his outstanding efforts and contributions in the realm of volunteer service and passion in service to the local community.
In 2023, DJ received the University of Tampa’s Ethics Award. Additionally, the US Secretary of Veterans Affairs appointed DJ to the US Veterans Affairs' Committee on Homeless Veterans. In 2022, DJ received the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Distinguished Service Award and the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) National Citation for support to both veteran and community service programs. In 2021, DJ was inducted by the FL Governor and Cabinet into the FL Veterans Hall of Fame. In 2020, DJ received the Tampa Bay Lightning (NHL) Community Hero Award, the Lieutenant General James Peake Award for Community Service to Veterans in the Judicial system, and the University of Notre Dame’s Reverend William Corby Award for Distinguished Military and Community Service. In 2018, WFLA (NBC) recognized DJ as Tampa’s “GR8 Inspiration” for his life saving work in the VTC. In 2016, DJ was awarded with the Hillsborough County Bar Association’s highest award – the Liberty Bell Award – for his exemplary efforts in promoting, and advocating for, the legal judicial system and process as it supports the local veterans and special needs communities.
15 February: VA dismisses 1K employees:
20 January: Veterans Voice Interview:
20 December: Federal VTC and Mentors Program Initiative coming the Tampa Bay: 2 Men on a Mission: How a veteran and attorney fight to leave no soldier behind
06 November: Veterans Day Interview, Feeding Tampa Bay:
15 August: WFTS ABC interview on 2d Anniversary of PACT Act:
14 August: Podcast Interview with "Veteran Voices", Pinellas County Chamber of Commerce:
17 July: Celebrating recent successes of the 988 Veterans Crisis Hotline Line:
04 July: Tampa VTC and Mentor Program - and support to the ongoing pilot program at the US Federal Court level (US Middle District of FL): Many thanks to ABC investigative reporter Mike Paluska for lending a "foxhole view" of the Veterans caught up in the criminal justice system and who fortunately find themselves in the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC). Mike was able to show the human side of this issue and, in addition to the Veterans, the VTC team led by Judge Michael Scionti who fight the Good Fight every day. Special thanks for noting that there is an effort to expand this proven program up to the US Federal District Court level:
07 June: The Riverside Recovery of Tampa Bay's VALOR program is in the VA Community of Care Network and has been supporting the nationally acclaimed Tampa FL Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) since 2017. "Leave no Veteran behind. Until they all come home."
28 April: Interview with Ed Narain, 101.5FM the Vibe, VTC Judge Michael Scionti and Hillsborough County State Attorney Suzy Lopez. Session starts at 19:43 mark, Frontpage Tampa Bay April 28 2024.
24 February: Thanks to Tampa City Councilman Luis Viera for sharing this Bay News 9 segment on one of our success stories in the Tampa VTC program. Leave no Veteran behind. #tampavtc
02 February: Recent local media interview on the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) and Veteran Mentor Program on Tampa Bay Arts and Entertainment with host Kim Droege.
Additionally, I make note of collateral initiatives as a result of issues observed in VTC - such as current efforts in low cost, affordable Veteran housing, and potentially establishing a federal level, VTC and Mentors Program in the Middle District of FL:
01 December: TBAE Kim Droege interviews Tampa VTC Judge Michael Scionti:
02 November: 2023 UofTampa Ethics Award:
13 October: 10 Year Anniversary and Awards Event, Tampa VTC and Mentors Program:
09 August: (Bay News 9): Reminder for PACT ACT filing suspense for retroactive benefits:
05 August: (WFLA NBC): VetFest at Tropicana Field to help local Veterans with PACT Act benefits and other health services
03 July: (WFTS ABC): Focusing on Fireworks:
16 June: (FOX 13 Tampa) Tampa prosecutors, defense attorneys, and Tampa judges come together to help veterans:
12 June: US Secretary Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on Homeless Veterans - Bio:
29 May: Tampa VTC Mentors program support to Memorial Park Cemetery upkeep, while focused on expanding its program at the Federal Court level:
03 February: US Congresswoman Kathy Castor (FL-14) announces the selection of Colonel DJ Reyes (USA retired) to attend the 7 February 2023 POTUS State of the Union Address:
27 January: Combat Stress Magazine: Leveraging the Power of Community to help our Veterans
11 December: Recent interview snippet supporting Bay News 9 coverage of the PACT Act (Toxic Exposures) and this weekend's VA information sessions held in Bay Pines and Haley VA centers:
24 November: Fox 13's Gloria Gomez coverage of Tampa Veterans Treatment Court Judge and Veteran Mentors providing Thanksgiving Turkey meals to its Veterans and families in need:
07 November: Veterans Day Interview with Bill Murphy, Bay News 9:
04 September: Veterans Corner Radio Interview. Veterans Treatment Court Interview 5 of 5 - Perspectives from the Senior Veteran Mentor Program Coordinator, Tampa VTC.
03 September: Commentary on the recently signed PACT Act (Burn Pits/Toxic Exposure) in "Combat Stress Magazine Summer/Fall edition:
22 August: WFLA/WTTA Bloom TV interview with host Gayle Guyardo and the PACT Act (Toxic Exposures):
17 August: "The Leadership Void" Veteran Podcast with Vince and Enrique: Thoughts on the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC), veteran legislation, leadership and advice to our next Greatest Generation of military leaders:
29 July: WFTS - ABC 28 interview on the recent failed US Senate vote (S3373 PACT Act / Toxic Exposures)
14 July: Tampa City Council recognizes COL DJ Reyes with City Commendation:
27 June: WFLA/WTTS 38 Bloom: Status of HR3967 "Toxic Exposures/Burn Pits" legislation and the impending approval and POTUS signing into law:
17 June: WFTS ABC interview with Wendi Lane on the impact of HR3967 PACT Act:
16 June: Senate passes historic Veterans Health legislation (HR3967 PACT Act) - House anticipates final vote enroute to POTUS for signature:
27 May: Florida Department of Veterans Affairs (FDVA) Veterans Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony:
19 April: James Haley VA Consolidated Mental Health Clinic Ground Breaking Ceremony, Temple Terrace FL:
11 March: US Congresswoman Castor and Veterans Legislation Update/Roundtable:¬if_id=1647017770181845¬if_t=live_video_explicit
04 March: US House passes Toxic Exposures (Burn Pits) PACT Act:
12 January: Recent signing of Burn Pits Legislation (Burn Pits Health Provider Training Act) :
22 November: WFTS ABC segment on Tampa VTC Judge and Mentors supporting the Annual Thanksgiving Meal Delivery to VTC veterans:
11 November: WFTS ABC segment on Tampa's VTC:
11 November (from 2019): Tampa Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) Salute to Veterans:
11 November: University of Notre Dame Annual Veterans Day "Salute to Veterans" Interview:
20 October: University of Notre Dame Reverend William Corby Award Dinner Remarks:
13 October: University of Notre Dame Press Release Reverend William Corby Award:
12 October: (Video) University of Notre Dame Reverend William Corby Award for Distinguished Military Service, 2 October 2021, Notre Dame Stadium:
06 October: Real America's Voice Interview on Veterans, PTSD, and the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC):
20 September: WFLA Bloom interview with Gayle Guyardo on the Tampa VTC and the MHCV 501c3:
08 September: Pictorial of Commemoration Ceremony, VTC Fallen, 13th Judicial Circuit VTC:
30 August: Real America's Voice Interview on Afghanistan Withdrawal:
26 August: Address to Tampa City Council on honoring our local veterans / military support to the Afghanistan Campaign:
17 August: WFLA 8 (Tampa) interview on the Afghanistan Withdrawal:
16 August:
14 April: WFLA 8 (Tampa) interview on recent POTUS announcement to withdraw troops from AFG:
13 April: FOX 13 (Tampa) interview on recent POTUS announcement to withdraw troops from AFG:
11 March: Tampa FL's Haley VA "PREP" program another means to help local SOF warriors with reintegration, resiliency:
22 February: Veterans Corner Radio (Podcast):
15 February: University of Notre Dame "We Are ND" -
December 2020 Winter Edition, Combat Stress Magazine:
01 December: Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) "ChangeMakers":
26 November: Fox13 Gloria Gomez covers VTC Mentors' Annual Thanksgiving Meal Program for its VTC veterans:
12 November: Podcast "The Franklin Project":
11 November: LTG James Peake Community Service Award (Bay Area Legal Services):
21 August: Radio Interview 1180AM WFYL (Phila, PA) on Tampa's VTC and Mentor Program:
21 August: Pandemic Poses Challenges For Veterans Treatment Courts
13 August: Tampa City Councilman Viera hosted panel with VTC Judges Michael Scionti and Gregory Holder, and senior veteran mentors DJ Reyes and Jim Fletcher:
8 August: POTUS signs VTC Legislation into law:
28 July: WFLA Bloom 38 TV Interview with Gayle Guyardo on VTC and HR886
21July HR886 VTC Bill Passed:
15 July Tampa Bay Lightning Community Hero Award (Video):
22 April VTC legislation commentary:
17 December
11 November
11 November Tampa Bay Arts & Entertainment
Network "Veteran Strong" Series:
11 November Tampa Bay Times Coverage, 13th
Judicial Circuit's Veterans Treatment Court (VTC):
08 November VTC "Salute to Veteran Mentors" and
Graduation Ceremony:
08 November: FL AG Moody Press Conference
on Military and Veteran Assistance Program, and
Bi-Partisan (State Attorneys General) support to urge US Congress' passing of HR886:
MHCV support to National Veterans Court Initiative
and proposed HR886, Veterans Treatment Court
Coordination Act of 2019:
11 April 2019 "rebuttal" testimony before FL Senate Appropriations Committee and SB910:
Time Segment: 5:13 - 13:54
Veterans Treatment Court - Public Service Announcement (Video):
11 February: The Truth About Military Parades:
The University of Notre Dame and the NDAA annually selects one of its military alum (living or deceased) for distinguished military service.
Colonel DJ Reyes, Senior Mentor Program Coordinator (Tampa FL Veterans Treatment Court)
LTG James Peake Award for Community Service to local area Veterans in Tampa Bay (Bay Area Legal Services)